Disruptive Ideas Vol. 5 No.22
you want people to do the right thing? Save them the guilt trip
“Major global problems such as racial injustice or climate change often seem insurmountable. It’s hard to believe that our individual actions can make any real difference. Yet we know that many social dilemmas are overcome only through collective action.” Read More
10 ways to promote gender equality in daily life
“A study conducted by the World Economic Forum found that women have only 68 percent of the rights, opportunities and access to resources enjoyed by the world’s men.Those differences and the speed of progress in reducing them, vary from country to country. But according to the WEF researchers, at our current pace, it will take 100 years to eradicate gender disparities. “
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the family matters report 2020
“Family Matters reports focus on what governments are doing to turn the tide on over-representation and the outcomes for children. The reports contribute to efforts to change the story by explaining the extent of the challenges, reporting on progress towards implementing evidence-informed solutions, and profiling promising policy and practice initiatives.” Read More
20 questions directors of NFP organisations should ask about strategy and planning
“The Risk Management and Governance Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (RMGB) has developed this briefing to help members of not-for-profit boards of directors understand their responsibility for strategy, planning and budgeting.” Read More
disruptive ideas forum – funders and your finances
“We believe that the organisations that will do the best in 2021, when it comes to strategic fundraising, will be able to clearly articulate their need, and why funding is required, but also be able to address tricky questions from funders about their financial position (be it due to a healthy reserve or a less than ideal bottom line). Listen to Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, Bruce Argyle, Head of the NFP Specialist Team, Bendigo Bank and Kirsten Forrester, CEO of Accounting For Good about what funders really want to see and know more about.” Register Here
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