Make your gifts in wills program great – here’s how

Make your gifts in wills program great – here’s how

For over ten years, Wendy Brooks & Partners has been helping clients create, design, launch, and enhance their gifts in wills programs. However, over the last few years we have witnessed quicker successes for our clients. Clients could historically expect to receive a return on their investment (after setting up a gifts in wills program) […]

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leading with purpose – ICDA’s leadership lessons

leading with purpose – ICDA’s leadership lessons

This content was originally published by the Institute of Community Directors Australia. You can see the original page by clicking here.  This white paper brings together the collective wisdom of nine highly experienced and motivated senior leaders in the not-for-profit sector. Each member of the Community Directors Council (including our own CEO, Catherine Brooks) shares […]

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showcasing organisations that offer domestic violence (DV) support

showcasing organisations that offer domestic violence (DV) support

This year, more of Australia’s attention has been drawn to the issue of domestic violence (DV) – but for all the wrong reasons. The country is in the midst of what some have described as a “gendered violence crisis.” In 2024, an Australian woman has been violently killed (on average) every four days, which is […]

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Navigating the Winds of Fundraising in 2024/25

Navigating the Winds of Fundraising in 2024/25

  As Jimmy Dean aptly said, “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” This especially rings true for fundraising today. While traditional methods may have yielded success in the past, adapting to the evolving donor landscape is crucial. Winds of Change: Fewer Donors, […]

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<strong>The myth of the meritocracy</strong>
Social Justice

The myth of the meritocracy

Meritocracy is the idea that people succeed based solely on their individual abilities, skills, and talents, rather than their social status, race, gender, or other personal characteristics. In theory, meritocracy is a fair and just system that rewards hard work and talent, while providing equal opportunities for everyone. However, the reality is that meritocracy is […]

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