Make your gifts in wills program great – here’s how

Make your gifts in wills program great – here’s how

For over ten years, Wendy Brooks & Partners has been helping clients create, design, launch, and enhance their gifts in wills programs. However, over the last few years we have witnessed quicker successes for our clients. Clients could historically expect to receive a return on their investment (after setting up a gifts in wills program) […]

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showcasing organisations that offer domestic violence (DV) support

showcasing organisations that offer domestic violence (DV) support

This year, more of Australia’s attention has been drawn to the issue of domestic violence (DV) – but for all the wrong reasons. The country is in the midst of what some have described as a “gendered violence crisis.” In 2024, an Australian woman has been violently killed (on average) every four days, which is […]

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Navigating the Winds of Fundraising in 2024/25

Navigating the Winds of Fundraising in 2024/25

  As Jimmy Dean aptly said, “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” This especially rings true for fundraising today. While traditional methods may have yielded success in the past, adapting to the evolving donor landscape is crucial. Winds of Change: Fewer Donors, […]

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Can we reimagine the grant application process?

Can we reimagine the grant application process?

There is an inherent tension in the grant making and seeking process. Grant makers can struggle with the sheer number of grant applications they have to read and analyse. Grant seekers struggle with the number of bespoke grant applications they have to make to survive. Is it time to consider a different grant application process? […]

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Fundraising is not about money

Fundraising is not about money

Fundraising’s primary goal is not to raise money but to assist in bringing about equity and justice. If something brings in large amounts of money but fails to increase equity and justice in the short or long term, then fundraising is not doing its job, no matter how many other KPIs may have been met. […]

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