What we do

we build the capacity of the not-for-profit sector to maximise impact

Wendy Brooks & Partners provides strategic fundraising services. We cultivate relationships and connect investors/funders with impactful programs and activities.

We support organisations internally through program development, messaging, governance advice, strategic planning, facilitation, mentoring and training.

We understand what the not-for-profit sector needs and work side-by-side with our clients towards an equitable society.


We strongly believe that successful fundraising is driven by evidence-based programs, strong relationships, good governance, a successful track record and clear communication.​

Our services will help you identify your organisation’s strengths, communicate your impact and implement strategies to take your fundraising to the next level.​

Our two-step process offers:

  1. Strategic impact review of your organisation’s strengths, development of practical next steps for fundraising and a strong impact narrative
  2. Fundraising implementation tailored to your organisation’s strengths, assets, capacity and needs

Download our Strategic Fundraising promotion deck to learn more.

boards and governance

The calibre and effectiveness of your board is one of the most critical factors that funders will consider before making an investment. We work with you to build an engaged and capable board, maximising the untapped opportunities residing in your skills and networks. We will ensure you have the right people with the right skills at the right time to achieve your vision.

Our services include fundraising training for your board, mentoring your chair and directors, and providing advice and guidance to ensure your leadership is aligned for success, including roles, structures and effective working relationships between the board and management.

strategic planning

Wendy Brooks & Partners will work with your board and senior management to create a strategic plan that aligns your organisation to its purpose and has clear, measurable and achievable goals and strategies.

Our creative and engaging process involves:

  • Uncovering and articulating your unique theory of change
  • Using your theory of change as a guide to develop ambitious yet realistic goals
  • Developing clear strategies and measurable outcomes

Our process includes a facilitated strategic planning workshop and 1:1 sessions with the organisational leadership team to further develop the plan.

Our collaborative approach creates ownership of the plan by your team, aligning and equipping you for success.

Download our Strategic Planning promotion deck to learn more.


A gift-in-will program is an investment in the future of your organisation. By partnering with Wendy Brooks & Partners, you can ensure that your organisation creates lasting impact for years to come. Learn more about setting up or enhancing your gifts-in-wills/bequests program.

Our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

Wendy Brooks & Partners’ vision is for a just and equitable society. We know this can only be achieved when Australia embraces Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as equal citizens with full rights and as valued members of the community.

Download our Reconciliation Action Plan